Save Time While Trading by Using Algorithmic Trading Platforms!

Save Time While Trading by Using Algorithmic Trading Platforms!

| Rich Clifford | Blog
If you just started to trade, you might have heard about different algorithmic trading platforms. One of the most popular ways to save time and to minimize risk is algorithmic trading.

Algorithmic trading is a type of trading platform that uses technical analysis and different computer codes to look for entry and exit points in trades. This is made by setting parameters on the platform, such as price movements. This type of trading includes quantitative trading techniques, also known as ‘Quant Trading,’ which are fast and are used to target short-term investments.

In a nutshell, trading with algorithms can help you buy and sell on your behalf, which is excellent news if you’re trying to save some time without the risk of losing profits.

You can be a beginner, intermediate, or advanced trader; trading algorithms have proven to be useful to improve your experience. It’s complicated to be focused on every change that occurs in the financial market. If you use an automated system, you can focus on other things while the platform does the rest of the job.

How Do You Start Using Algorithmic Trading Platforms?

Algorithmic trading (also known as ‘Algo Trading’) is easy to start using since there are many sites that offer open-source algorithmic strategies. You can start using a trading algorithm system in three simple steps:

Step One: Opening an Account

The first step is to open a trading account on a broker site that offers automated trading strategies. Keep in mind that you have to choose the broker depending on the type of trade that you are planning to do.

Many brokers offer different types of algorithmic trading strategies for cryptocurrency, stock trading, or forex.

Step Two: Research Algorithmic Trading Platforms

While machine trading makes the trading experience more comfortable, you have to invest some time learning more about that specific type of trading strategy.

To use an algorithm-based trading strategy, you need to have an actual trading strategy. It can be built on fundamental or technical analysis. Sites that use automated algorithms usually use technical data analysis.

After you choose the trading strategy that you want to go with, you have to backtest the data results to determine that it can work for you. If it works, the algorithm is built to automate your strategy.

However, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do anything after using an automated platform. You still have to monitor the financial market data and the algorithm to ensure that it’s always working.

Step Three: Choose Your Algorithmic Trading Strategies

After you created your account and researched everything that you need to know about algorithms, you can start looking for the strategy that you are going to use to trade.

There are many strategies that you can use depending on the type of trade that you want to do. However, study every strategy in order to choose the best one.

How Do You Build an Automated Trading System?

To build an algorithm-based trade system, you need some background knowledge in a programming language. However, some sites offer you the tools to create your algorithm-based strategy in an easier-to-understand way.

Many skilled traders use complex skills to build their strategies, but it doesn’t have to be your case. If you’re a beginner, you can start researching this kind of system with these tips.

Step One: Create a Plan

This involves deciding in which market you plan to trade, the strategy and analysis techniques that you’re using, the risk and reward ratio, and many other factors.

Step Two: Design a System

This is done to ensure that your strategy is working as intended. Here, you can decide what you want your system to do with the information that it gets from the market. For example, you can ask the algorithm to buy or sell for you, or just to send you an alert.

Step Three: Assess the Risk Factors

You have to decide which risk management tools you are using for your specific system—for example, using a tool that offers you the option of closing your position automatically if the price reaches a certain level.

Step Four: Build the System

In this step, you are turning your system into a reality by using code. Remember to write the code for your system, depending on the platform that you are planning to trade on.

Step Five: Backtest Your Results

After you build your system, implement back-testing to determine how effectively your system is working. Keep in mind that the results that come from backtesting are not always accurate to the results that can come up in the live market.

Step Six: Launch the System

After you confirmed that everything is good to go, you can launch your system. Remember to continually monitor the market and the system to ensure that it’s working correctly.

Conclusion – Algorithmic Trading Platforms

Whether if you’re a beginner or an advanced trader, automated systems for trading make the experience a lot easier for you, especially if you’re looking to save time.

Designing your system may be difficult, but many sites do the process for you, so research as much as you can and start trading!