Welcome to fractalerts

Welcome to fractalerts

Learn All About Our Program!

For 18+ years, since 2007, this precise mathematical system has quietly been delivering a systematic, unemotional strategy (with results) to a small group of BIG investors.

  • Fractals are geometric structures exhibiting patterns that repeat indefinitely.

  • fractalerts uses these patterns to trade

fractalerts Explained.

Fractal - frac·tal - ˈfraktəl/ - noun noun: fractal; plural noun: fractals a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.

What is it all about

Mathematicians. Algorithms. Forward Thinking.


Market data from every tick (including price, volume, momentum and elapsed time) is absorbed for the entire history of a market.


Fourier transforms are used to sort and sift that data in search of infinitely repeating patterns.


Once one is found, roughly every seven days, we use wave and group velocity functions to project forward that pattern.


The end result, fractalerts. Clear, concise and explicit information about what trades our programs suggest placing and when.

fractalert’s strategy is systematic.

It uses proprietary algorithms to find recurring geometric fractal patterns in markets. The systems are purely quantitative using only mathematics and physics. No macro-economic or technical inputs are considered.

We Don't Use

  • News
  • Fundamental Research
  • Experts
  • Indicators
  • Bar Charts
  • Any Other Biased Methods

We Do Use

  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Gauge Theory
  • Chaos Theory
  • Fourier Transforms
  • Wave/Group Velocity Functions

Our Products

The alerts can be applied to ETFs, futures, forex or options depending on your own trading preference and tolerance for risk.



We cover the world’s largest and most liquid markets.

Annually an average of

50 Alerts


Trial for the first month

199 / month

Paid Monthly

183 / month

Paid Quarterly

167 / month

Paid Yearly


S&P, Nasdaq, Dow and
Russell 2000

We cover the world’s largest and most liquid markets.

Annually an average of

50 Alerts


Trial for the first month

199 / month

Paid Monthly

183 / month

Paid Quarterly

167 / month

Paid Yearly


Gold, Silver Platinum
and Copper

We cover the world’s largest and most liquid markets.

Annually an average of

50 Alerts


Trial for the first month

199 / month

Paid Monthly

183 / month

Paid Quarterly

167 / month

Paid Yearly

How Are They Delivered

When fractal patterns are identified, We email our trades directly to our subscribers 12-24 hours before we make them - identifying the position, timing, and execution.

Receive our alerts 12-24 hours before the trade

We are always in the market either long or short

The average duration of a pattern is about 7 days

Our subscribers speaking out
about fractalerts

  • "I had to block out all other signals I was getting to truly understand the simplicity of Fractalerts, set an alarm, buy or sell and on with your day you go. Follow there signals and that's it, and you will be profitable, FINALLY"
    Mark D.
  • “Fractalerts is a blessing for a failed trader like me or someone who is desperate to have success in trading. They do not want to teach you how to fish, they simply give you plenty. Have you ever heard someone who told you the direction of the market and right button to press at the moment of the hour?”
    Sione V F.
  • “The service from the fractalerts team has been excellent. I have had nothing but smooth sailing. I highly recommend fractalerts to my friends and associates. Everyone will learn something from fractalerts.”
    Michael T.
  • "The program works exceptionally well the more markets one can trade, since the diversification across markets smooths out the volatility, and then one does not even have to trade with quite as large amounts per market.”
    Mark B.

The Alerts

How are they used?
Some that follow our alerts will trade exactly as we do. Others will use our alerts as additional indicators to enhance an already existing strategy. Effectively, our job is to tell you (in advance) every time we press the button to buy or sell. You do whatever you want with that info… but you have been warned.